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Specialists Job Specific information: (click on position to go to page)​


What roles are available for volunteers?

PSAR is a smaller search and rescue organization. Our onboarding structure allows for volunteers to bring their experiences and contribute to the team in a number of ways. There are roles available for incident management, as well as field deployment. Common areas of expertise include:

  • Incident Command, Logistics & Planning

  • Operations

  • Fundraising

  • Wilderness Search and Rescue

  • Swiftwater Rescue & Boat Operator

  • K-9 Handler

  • EMT’s & Paramedics

  • Meteorologists

  • CPR & First Aid

  • Lost Person Behavior & Man tracking

  • Wilderness Navigation

  • Public Relations & social media 

  • Film and Photographers


What time commitment is required?

Although we are all volunteers, the professionalism demanded by our mission can require a substantial time commitment. We do our best to hold training events / meetings twice a month.

Attendance requirements vary based on your role/level on the team. Training meetings are fun, informative, and most members really enjoy the camaraderie in getting together. We have numerous opportunities for field training. Our volunteers enjoy gaining and maintaining skills at these events. Most volunteers participate in field training exercises several weekends per year.


Some specialties, such as paramedics or K-9 teams, require far more training time than more general specialties such as basic ground search. For example, K-9s typically train intensively for one to two years before becoming field deployable and continue to train 2-3 times a week throughout their working lives.


Nothing compares to the opportunity to use one’s skills to potentially save or restore a life.


We are asked to deploy on average twelve times a year. Deployments often happen at night, in bad weather, over considerable distances. Although you are not expected to respond to every call-out, you will be on call 24/7. Often, responding to calls requires making arrangements with employers and families in advance. Deployment requires mental and emotional stamina and physical fitness. If you are field deployable you will need to take time to maintain basic fitness, including the ability to hike two miles with a pack in 40 minutes.


Gear and uniforms

Volunteers are expected to maintain a basic 12-hour field pack. Our team can provide a lot of helpful suggestions on gear and where to purchase it. Some specialist positions have more gear requirements.


Required Uniform for Field Deployments
(we will be provide the supplier)


  • Copper brown BDU pants

  • Black boots – safety toe recommended.

  • Priority Search and Rescue T-shirt – Grey/Orange

  • Baseball cap or Boonie Cap – Solid color or unbranded SAR

  • Blaze orange, long sleeve shirt [Wilderness SAR]

  • Grey Tactical BDU Shirt [Urban SAR]

  • Black Belt

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