Board of Directors
Jeff Wilson
Jeff is the President of PSAR as well as the Task Force Lead for Disaster and US&R Deployments.
He has 20 years of training and experience in Rescue Techniques via his service in multiple fire departments across the state of Texas.
He has many Certifications from TEEX, SFFMA, FEMA and several other schools and programs.
He's always working to find ways to help us grow as a group and expand our capabilities to assist and lend a helping hand when we're called upon.
Email: JWilson@PrioritySAR.us

Kayla Elkins
Kayla is our secretary and logistics specialist. When our task force deploys for any incident, she is the one helping make sure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.
Kayla makes sure nothing is forgotten and all of our I's are dotted and T's are crossed.
Kayla has been trained as a Technical Search Specialist and will also deploy with the Task Force when needed.

Open Board position
This position is currently open. We are utilizing outside resources when needed to fill this position for voting reasons.
We are hoping to have this position filled in early 2024.

Ethan Meade
Ethan is one of our founding members and is also a certified and licensed drone pilot and the head of our UAS operations division.
He serves as a member of our Disaster Response and US&R Task Force as well as deploys to wilderness Searches as well.
Ethan has been certified through FEMA NIMS as well as through the PSAR Rescue Academy and TEEX as a Technical Search Specialist

Doug Meade
Sgt. of Operations
Doug serves as our operations manager and quarter master. he assists with operations and logistics while on deployments as well as other varying jobs as needed.
He deploys with not only our Disaster and US&R Task force but specializes in Wilderness SAR and survival tactics as well.
Doug has been certified through FEMA NIMS as well as through the PSAR Rescue Academy and TEEX as a Technical Search Specialist.